Changing the way we look at death
the sacred journey home
End-of-Life Doula

changing the way we look at death
Today, death is shrouded in mystery. With mystery comes fear of the unknown.
Practical knowledge is empowering.
Education. Exploration.
De-Mystifying Death. Facing Mortality

Scripting End-of-Life Wishes
Do you know who is the best person to be your Healthcare Power of Attorney? How do you decide?
These questions and more will be covered in this presentation, providing critical information for completing Advance Directives that represent your end-of-life wishes.
Ethical Issues at the End-of-Life
Today, there are a myriad of waya to be kept alive, but just because we can, should we? Would you want to be kept alive with a feeding tube? Can your loved ones withhold food and fluids from you at the end? These questions and more will be explored, along with real-life scenarios, in group discussions.

Death is not a Medical Event
Death is sacred and natural. So why and how has it become to be viewed as a medical event? We will explore historical changes in society and how technological advances have impacted the way we see death today. We will then brainstorm ways to return it to its sacred, natural place.
Natural After-Death Alternatives: Home Funerals. Natural Burials.
The old adage: "What is old is new again" has never been truer. Home funerals and Natural (Green) Burials are making their way back into the mainstream as we look for more natural, casual, and intimate ways of honoring our deceased loved ones. Myths will be dispelled and information provided.

Death as a Part of Life: An Intro
What does it mean to live mindful of mortality?
This presentation provides highlights of the Death as a Part of Life Process: The Powers of the Process, components of the Circle of Life & Death, key elements of the process, as well as various exercises related to fear of death, along with integration of the process.

Additional topics available
Being: When Presence is Enough
Serving: The End-of-Life Doula
The Transition
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
~ Max Planck